The Sisters - James Joyce (1914)

The Sisters - James Joyce (1914)

3/21, 2022

rate: 6.5

 It's hard to understand this story to me, Before I search the analysis of 'The Sisters', I can't realize that the Father Flynn can be explained as children abuser. At first reading, I couldn't catch what James Joyce wanted to send to readers. Also, I couldn't understand why the title is 'The Sisters'. The main story is about the death of the Father Flynn and this story is described by the boy's point of view. I guess that the sisters of Flynn saw all process that Flynn becomes strange person and maybe Joyce wanted to emphasize them. I can't explain the reason in detail because I don't have ability to interpret this story. Just guess..
 'Death' is the main theme of this story. The boy feel free by his death and I think death is not always negative. Death can mean the start of another thing and sometimes, we can leap forward by failures. Joyce also thought Ireland could advance more by death of corruption.
(165 words)


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Araby, By James Joyce (1914)