Gooseberries, By Anton Chekhov (1898)
3/6, 2022
rating 7/10
While I was reading this short story, I thought carefully that what is happiness. This is main theme of the story and this story makes me change my mind. Before I read, I thought achieving the goal which I set is the most important in my life and maybe I will be happy when I reach my goal. But by seeing Nikolay's life, clinging to my goal is not the way to be happy.
Today, I realize that being happy alone is worthless. I'm happy when I play basketball or soccer with my friends and it's because all of us can share happiness by doing sports. Nikolay achieved his goal but I don't envy him. This story gives me a big lesson, and I will not be a person who is selfish. (132 words)
Good angle to consider this story. Ivan is commenting on the happiness of this brother - which is very subjective. So happiness is different for everyone, but is it right to judge? Maybe it is. Maybe it is inevitable. We can judge Ivan's happiness as - perhaps - naive? Good work.